Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sweetest Moments

I just got done putting my boys to bed. I am trying to get them to sleep through the night in the same room. ( A long term goal... I have to keep reminding myself). As I lay in bed with Luke while he was falling asleep, to make sure he doesn't wake Noah, I looked over at my sleeping boys and was amazed at what angels I have been blessed with. (Granted last night I was singing a different tune) But what a sweet moment to look into the face of your child as they fall asleep and innocence descends upon them. It is hard not to be overwhelmed with love for these little creatures.

Anyhow, this past month there have been plenty of "sweet moments". We have been lucky to have many visitors and taken a trip or two of our own. I figured instead of doing a mega long post I will break it up. A new post each day this week chronicling our summer so far.

Hooray for Summer!