Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

On Monday as I was eating my lunch after the boys were down for a nap I was contemplating whether to have water to drink or make myself a new pitcher of Crystal Light. I decided that we all need a guilty pleasure or two. Something that we should probably do without and would "technically" be better without yet we continue on with the habit/behavior. I think they help us stay sane. Here are a few of my latest...

1: Crystal Light (pineapple orange, cherry pomgranate is also pretty good )- I could drink gallons of it, I honestly have to pace myself
2: An extra 5 minutes in a hot shower - This is also because Ryan convinced me to splurge on a nice big shower head... totally worth the money
3: Cookies - Noah doesn't digest lactose well, so I have to stay away from any dairy. Oatmeal cookies have become my new comfort food. I pretty much always have some type of cookie dough in the fridge.
4: Gray's Anatomy - I am not a big day-time TV watcher but I do enjoy a good hour of hot hospital drama once a week.

So here's to those little things that help us take a little time out and treat ourselves.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Holiday Recap

Well it has been several weeks since the "holiday season" and I am finally getting around to posting about it. I don't want to make the post 1000 years long so I will cruise through the recap.

Christmas Morning: Doesn't get much better than this!

Rasmussen Family Christmas 2010 (don't ask how long it took to get a halfway decent picture)

Luke wasn't having any of the brotherly love photo shoot. Noah was just one more thing between him and some new cars.

Post Christmas trip to Utah: Carrying on the Benson tradition of a Temple Square visit in the frigid weather (Notice all the red noses)

Luke and Madison exploring their musical talents...

New Year's fun: being towed by the 4-wheeler in the back yard.

Mom and Noah's version of New Years fun = lounging around inside the warm house

Visit from Angie and Madison: who needs a 4-wheeler when you have a runner who is just about as fast!

Luke's new favorite past time: Lining up his favorite cars and pretending to count them.
(Notice the favored spot of Mater, his favorite character in cars)

I was trying to take a picture of Noah but Luke had to help me and so this is about the best we got wrestling for the camera and both saying "Cheeeeese Noah".

One of my New Years Resolutions is to post more often so I am not always catching up... we will see how that goes!