Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Jaynes's Come to Town

We are hoping this will become a yearly tradition. Since Levi and Emily graduated and moved to Virgina we have missed them dearly. They graced us this year and last with a visit. We couldn't wait this year to meet little Andy. He is the cutest, smiliest, jumpiest baby ever.

Luke bonding with his cousin.

Last year we went 4 wheeling in the mountains on real trails. This year with 2 more babies we toned it down to the Rasmussen signature ride to Heise for Pizza.

Pete & Heidi were able to come as well.

Good food, Good Company, Great Times!

We also attempted a river float. The weather wasn't real cooperative but then again neither were the babies. After about 5 min. into it all the moms were questioning the trip but everyone calmed down and settled into the floating groove.

I didn't get any pictures until we were safely on shore and enjoying the sun while the boys went to pick up the truck.

Levi's cousin came with us and was kind enough to stop any baby going over the edge and listen to some whining about life vests. I am not sure she knew what she signed up for!

We finished the trip with a run to G's dairy for yummy Reed's Ice Cream. Ryan was on baby patrol at home and bonded with an unhappy Andy for about 15 min. while we rushed home. Nothing like trying to quiet a screaming baby for bonding time!

We can't wait to see what the trip next year will bring... hint hint, Em & Levi put it on your calendars!


Angie said...

Looks like you guys had fun. It was fun to see you. Thanks for coming down while we were there. I love that you are in sweatshirts and jeans on the 4th of July. We were in shorts and t-shirts and were soaked from our own sweat. :) Love you!

courtney said...

so you guys are going to repay the jaynes' kindness by visiting virginia next year...right? :)