Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4th of July Weekend

Ryan's birthday is on the 5th of July. I have to admit it is a pretty cool birthday. His birthday is always celebrated with lots of family, food and fireworks. Doesn't get much better than that! This year was no different.

Ryan's parents came up to visit us for a couple of days and Jacob and Deidre were in town as well. A perfect recipe for a good time.

We braved the crowds and attended the Meleluca Firework show in Idaho Falls. We have been in Idaho for 6 years and not once went to the river front to see it. Deidre's family was nice enough to let us have a corner of their staked out spot for the evening. We were right across the street from where the fireworks were lit off. We could see the shells before the show.

(Noah is under the blanket in the stroller asleep). I don't think I have ever been that close, and yes I have been to Stadium of Fire. The Idaho Falls show claims to be the biggest firework show west of the Mississippi. I was skeptical but came a way a believer along with Ryan and Jacob.

I was a little nervous taking the kids that late, in a loud confined area. But they were great. Noah fell asleep before the show and I was sure the fireworks would wake him back up... and they did but not for a good 10 minutes! I kept watching his little feet poking out to see if he was awake. Even when he was awake he just watched the fireworks wondering what all the commotion was about.

A visit from Grandma Rhonda isn't complete until we have biscuits and gravy for breakfast. This time it was Ryan's birthday treat. Luke takes after his dad and ate 2 whole biscuits. (I think he ate more than Deidre). Ryan wanted to go for a 4 wheeler ride for his birthday and so we loaded everyone up and took off. Luke got to ride with Jacob and Deidre. As you can see he loved this and still talks about them.
He doesn't keep his sunglasses on very well and so we upgraded to swim goggles.

We stopped for lunch at Heise. Apparently neither of the boys liked what we had...

We made an impromptu decision to go swimming. Rhonda, Deidre and I braved the rental suits. (I know pretty gross) Needless to say there are no existing pictures of the mismatched, ill-fitted suits that day.

We ended the day at Wingers, gorging ourselves on sticky fingers. Perfect end to a perfect weekend.

1 comment:

courtney said...

i am also beyond jealous of your sweatshirts!! looks like it was a great birthday :)