Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer Fun

Here are a couple of things that we have been up to this summer. (With our camera on the fritz our pictures are few and far between)

Hanging out with cousins: Luke and Olivia chilling with Ryan

We were lucky to get this one shot of the both of them not moving neither one looks thrilled with the situation but they are getting to be better friends all the time. It is really good practice for Luke to have another baby around. With more cousins on the way (Congrats Roxanne, Deb, Em and Liz) these pictures should be popping up more and more.

Emily and Levi were in town to play and so one of our outings was to the mountains to do some 4-wheeling. Pete, Heidi and Olivia joined us. The first ride was a scenic one down by the river that Moms and babies went on. Then the serious riding began while Heidi, Olivia, Luke and I cooked dinner. This was as close to camping that we have been with Luke. He loved the campsite and loved the dirt even more.

He would push the truck around from rocks to dirt to rocks and so forth. Dirty as ever but happy as could be. We tried out the sunscreen mohawk and both decided we like him better without the rebel look. But... why is it no gel will hold his hair in place for church but sunscreen will stick it straight up for hours on end?

Feeding the Dog

Why is this such a big deal? Luke has finally realized that dog food is for the "goggie" and not for him to eat. All he has to do is ask and I will give him much better tasting stuff. This is a milestone for us. No more juggling Biscuit feedings with Luke on the loose time.

We have been lucky to have lots of friends and family come and pay us a visit this summer and are looking forward to more this weekend and even more in August. We are hoping to juggle the delivery of baby #2 around my dad's graduation, visits from family and a work schedule. But mostly just hoping the little guy comes soon.


Callie said...

i like the mohawk, it looks pretty cute! and goggie is like a real word, all carter says is "aann" for anna, and it sounds more like yelling. hes become a very good yeller.. Awesome. Well, hopefully we'll see you guys soon. Yout list of siblings pregnant is impressive!

And We Sailed On said...

It was so fun to see you !!! How are you feeling? I hope this last part treats you well! Anxious to hear news of the new baby!

ps. Ryan I think we are friends too? Remember I took pictures of you? :)

Taren said...

Holy cow!!!! I can't believe you can still carry Luke on your prego belly. You look so good. I would never guess you are just about ready to have that baby. I see pregnant women like you in the doc's office and I want to go home and cry. I have hardly gained any weight but for some reason I am REALLY showing with this one.

Lisa said...

Looking forward to the announcement of baby #2