Thursday, November 11, 2010

Halloween Melodrama

What is Halloween without a couple of Jack-o-lanterns? My parents were kind enough to let Luke pick his pumpkins out of Grandpa's garden. He still equates any pumpkins with Grandpa and the garden. Anyhow, after carving pumpkins with the boys I attempted to get a picture with them and the pumpkins. This is a photo version of the event...

This is Luke's new "best smile". I can't get him to smile naturally. Everything was going well until Noah inadvertently did something to irritate Luke. Of course it being Halloween this was his natural reaction...

I should have dressed him up as a vampire... but I didn't want to encourage anything. This is Noah's reaction to the whole experience.

And this is Luke's reaction to the ensuing discipline.

He is perfecting his pout. He must get that from Ryan, I don't ever remember pouting! And this is Biscuit's reaction to the incident...

Not phased a bit. I think he is still wondering why we brought the little munchkins into his perfect life.

Luckily the boys are quick to forget, forgive and move on. They were just fine by the time the ward trunk-or-treat rolled around.

Luke is supposed to be a giraffe. Ryan says this is not a masculine costume and he will hate these pictures when he gets older. I kind of agree, but hey, I let the kid pick out his own costume and there was no changing his mind. Noah made a very ferocious tiger, if I do say so myself.

Goodbye Halloween and onto Thanksgiving and all the fun that comes with the Holidays!


courtney said...

i hope you know, you are going to have to beat the ladies off your sons with a stick when they are grown. so handsome!

i love the pictures of real life - the nice halloween pic, the ensuing fight, the sadness, the pouting. ah, it is oh so familiar to me. (but at our house, it the the younger beating up the elder - which is also kind of funny...)

miss you! xoxo

Sharp Times said...

i am sitting here laughing to myself. I love that you snapped the pics in the moment of the fight and reconciliation. We have one of my brother throwing a fit when he was about a year and a half in a hobo costume and we still think it is cute to this day...almost 22 years later. also love that it is true to how the little lads are, monsters then angels the next moment. funny!