A frequently asked question in our house is "Luke, what are you doing?" His favorite answer of late is "Just hanging out Mom, I'm just hanging out". That kind of sums up the past month. Here is a photo re-cap of us "just hanging out"...
Luke & Ryan frequently go out on the trampoline at night and look at the stars. Luke does this during the day too. He tells me he is looking at the moon.
Dinner time is always on of our favorite hang out times. Noah has this habit of rubbing excess food into his hair.
Puddle time at the park. Way more fun than any of the playground equipment.
Nap time= Mom & Dad's favorite hang out time. This is on the way back from one of our recent trips to Utah.
Family Outing to the BYU game... Go Cougars!
Helping Mom clean out her car.
Luke blowing kisses to Dad
Noah's version of "just hanging out". This is where I found him after realizing one day that it was a little too quiet around the house.
Annalyn is an alien from a interstellar cloud (an interstellar cloud is a denser-than-average region of the interstellar medium.) Ryan is partial to Butterfingers. Luke works full time as a penny press machine, and Noah is thinking about how to avoid shaving while still maintaining his professional appearance.
Oh my gosh those are cute pictures, the one of Noah in the toilet is priceless!
Noah doesn't get bored, ha ha.
Your boys look like Bensons
good times! they are so handsome and what an awesome family you have!
Luke is looking like Ryan in a few of those. minus the blonde hair. too bad we cant be there to just hang out with you guys!
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