Saturday, February 7, 2009

Word Up

You may think that we have been so busy lately that we just haven't had time to update our blog. Not true. We have just been doing Mad Libs.

Not really.

what we have REALLY been up to...
We scoured the Internet to find some of our favorite recipes. These are Famous Buffalo Wings.

Luke and I have tackled some needed Snow Plowing.

Going through some old pictures...


The last week of January we were able to take Luke out to the Cemetery to see the quads. He seemed to enjoy the snow. Last year the snow was so deep and we had no headstone so we weren't able to make it all the way there.

I wanted to take a second to say to our friends and family who happen to stop by the blog, thank you.

We have a member of our stake presidency who lost his daughter when she was 18 in a car accident and who I feel really understands true loss, and has given me strength by his example had me thinking about our own small experience. What we have learned? What do we still need to learn? And how important it is to have sympathy for others going through a difficult stretch of their own? What I think I take away from it isn't the pain of the loss, or in our case we feel the loss of some of the experiences that we would have gone through, but instead, a deeper compassion for those who are going through hard times of their own. The loss of family, job and financial troubles, sickness, worry for loved ones, all of these things are affecting those around us.

Our experience just happens to be one of those trials, and while we have used many shoulders to cry on, we need to offer the same to those going through difficult times of their own. The hard experience seem to be able to make us more aware of the feelings and emotions that come with difficult times. How do we express our gratitude for those who have helped us? How do we provide support to those who are in their own difficult experiences now? Hopefully by sharing our small testimony of gratitude for all blessings. Even blessings of loss. We are appreciative of all that has been done for us and want you to know our thoughts and prayers go out to all.


Liz said...

What a sweet post.

Callie said...

looks cold up there! and those buffalo wing look delicious! you will have to come make them here.

Callie said...

i like the headstone, looks nice

Vertex Stand Up Paddleboards said...

It looks cold. It freezing here i coulndt wear my sandals yesterday.

Lisa said...

We love you guys. The Lord has prepared such a perfect plan for us.