Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bloggers Block

I have been wanting to blog for awhile now but everytime I sit down to do a blog I can't think of one thing to blog about. So I log onto others blogs to see what others are blogging about and before i know it that eats up all my blogging time. So tonight I am going to just blog ... stream of consciousness style.

Things have been a little crazy on the work front lately. We have had a lot of changes and are getting ready for some more. Ryan has been great at handling most of the drama by himself. i.e. employees not getting along, residents driving managers crazy, millions of maintenance requests, you get the picture. I am busy in the background (in other words at home on my computer) working on the financial end of things. Where checks went, who has paid and who hasn't, making sure employees get paid the right wage for the right amount of hours, billing residents... that kind of fun stuff. I do go down to work on Wednesdays. That is my work day. My sister-in-law is a great babysitter and volunteered to watch Luke so my Wednesdays were more effective. I recently weaned him and so he stays at home all day long. She used to bring him down half way through the day so I could feed him. I sure miss the little guy on those days. It is hard to be away for so long, on the other hand it is sure nice to hang out with Ryan all day, kind of like a day-date. Reminds me of the old times.

Our latest drama is that someone hijacked an email account that we had together. I tried logging on last week and couldn't get on. They had changed our password. No, big deal you think, answer a couple of security questions and change your password back. Well we had set up this account over 5 years ago and couldn't remember the answer to the question. "Where did you meet your spouse?" We tried EVERYTHING! So we get locked out of the account and proceed to call Yahoo. Do you think that they were any help? They were so kind to give us 3 more guesses per call. Then we had to hang up and call again. After about 5 hours of calling, getting too frustrated to think and about 80 wrong answers we gave up. Stupid that there were NO other security questions that we could answer just that one. And yes we know where we met but there are a thousand ways to describe it... we even tried pre-existence! We suspect that this hacker somehow changed the answer as well. Anyhow we now hate yahoo and have a new email address. Unfortunately the scoundrel hacker got onto our ebay account linked to this email and tried to buy himself some european sports gear. I saw the $250.00 dollar debit in my checking and called Ryan to see what he had bought. It wasn't him so we got on the phone with paypal, our bank and anyone else who would talk to us. We did catch it in time and got our money back and changed our passwords and email accounts. We had everything going to that account so it was a long process to change that. I think we have cleaned up most of it. Moral of the story: change your passwords often, know your security questions, and watch out for internet crime!

Luke is doing great and continues to be the light of our lives. I just keep thinking that each stage is funner then the last. We were wondering last night which stage of kids would be our favorite... or would they all hold their wonder? He and Biscuit are becoming good friends. Luke's favorite place to crawl to is the back patio door so he can bang on the door until the dogs come up to the door. He laughs and bangs on the door. It drives Biscuit crazy and he eventually starts barking at Luke... which makes Luke laugh even harder.

My last thought for the evening is how grateful I am for the power of prayer in our lives. I had made it a new years resolution to make prayer more a part of my life. Several times in the past month I have found myself on my knees during the day pleading for guidance, peace and the spirit. Each and everytime I have seen the influence of the Lord in my life. I don't think I would have paid attention to they small blessings had I not made it a matter of prayer. I am grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who knows and loves each one of us.


Callie said...

that sucks about the e-mail! dang yahoo! pre-existence should have worked!? The stages are all equally as fun! its sad watching them grow up. I am amazed at how big carter seems, it makes me sad. but the next is just as fun! walking soon?! scary

Brandon and Hayley Gordon said...

Annalynn! I don't know how I even found your blog, but HOLY CRAP! how the heck are you? Long time no see. would love to catch up. Have a blog, but its private, don't know where to send you an invite at. email me k?
Hayley Gordon aka Meikle

And We Sailed On said...

Wow that is such a bummer about being hacked into. What is this world coming to???? Luke is adorable. Sounds like you are super busy with so much to do. Hope you are staying warm in all of that snow. You are awesome and I miss you tons. Maybe we can connect when I come to ID this summer?

Lisa said...

It sounds like life is good and work is busy. Every time I see Luke I melt, he is so cute