I am really bad at getting professional pictures taken of my boys. We got around to it with Luke when he was 1 year and so I kind of decided that was a good time to make sure I get it done. Well Noah is now 15 months and we had them taken this week. I was waiting for a time when he didn't have scratches, cuts, goose eggs, bruises, or any other war wound on his head or face. I can't keep this kid down! Well I decided to schedule a date and take my chances. Luck was on my side! I had my cousin Kassie Crapo take their pictures. She did such a great job. Considering what went on at the photo shoot she is a miracle worker to get some great pics of the boys. Enough of the explanation on to the pictures!
It took us awhile to get him loosened up for the camera.
A lot of silliness later he started cracking out the smiles!
I love how this shows a glimpse into our little guy.
Ryan and I both think Luke looks so old! Our little boy is growing up.
He has been doing this weird crooked smile as his "best smile" lately. Waiting for the phase to pass. This is mild but you can see the beginnings of it.
This looks more like the Luke we know!
This was the best that we could do with both boys together. They would not cooperate in anyway other than being interested in the same book. Still I think it turned out to be a sweet picture of the two of them.
What is Halloween without a couple of Jack-o-lanterns? My parents were kind enough to let Luke pick his pumpkins out of Grandpa's garden. He still equates any pumpkins with Grandpa and the garden. Anyhow, after carving pumpkins with the boys I attempted to get a picture with them and the pumpkins. This is a photo version of the event...
This is Luke's new "best smile". I can't get him to smile naturally. Everything was going well until Noah inadvertently did something to irritate Luke. Of course it being Halloween this was his natural reaction...
I should have dressed him up as a vampire... but I didn't want to encourage anything. This is Noah's reaction to the whole experience.
And this is Luke's reaction to the ensuing discipline.
He is perfecting his pout. He must get that from Ryan, I don't ever remember pouting! And this is Biscuit's reaction to the incident...
Not phased a bit. I think he is still wondering why we brought the little munchkins into his perfect life.
Luckily the boys are quick to forget, forgive and move on. They were just fine by the time the ward trunk-or-treat rolled around.
Luke is supposed to be a giraffe. Ryan says this is not a masculine costume and he will hate these pictures when he gets older. I kind of agree, but hey, I let the kid pick out his own costume and there was no changing his mind. Noah made a very ferocious tiger, if I do say so myself.
Goodbye Halloween and onto Thanksgiving and all the fun that comes with the Holidays!
Annalyn is an alien from a interstellar cloud (an interstellar cloud is a denser-than-average region of the interstellar medium.) Ryan is partial to Butterfingers. Luke works full time as a penny press machine, and Noah is thinking about how to avoid shaving while still maintaining his professional appearance.