Monday, March 15, 2010

One of "Those" Weeks

This is how we started the week...

A little coughing, a little puke and a little t.l.c. What more could a boy need? Stuffed animal, juice, three blankets and Cars to watch? As the week wore on Luke's croupy cough turned into RSV. After 3 trips to the doctor & one to the hospital this is how we ended the week...

Too sick to care that his belly is showing, holding the graham cracker just in case he felt like eating, laboring to breathe and watching whatever was flickering in front of him.

I am happy to say that Luke is on the mend. He can breathe easier and has a cough that lets us know he is trying to clear out all the junk that was in his lungs. The days are so long with kids when they are sick and the nights were even longer. I think Ryan and I spent 3 straight nights walking around the house juggling crying kids and trying to find some way to get some sleep. I am happy to report that Noah's sick spell has just remained a head cold. It hasn't stopped him from crawling everywhere and trying to pull himself up on things. All we have had to contend with is running noses and possibly the cutest smiles ever!


Sara said...

Oh that sounds awful! I hope everyone feels better soon and gets some sleep. I have loved reading your food blog. I have been craving biscuits and gravy ever since that post, but I haven't made them yet.

courtney said...

such cute boys! sorry it has been a rough week. i hear RSV is going around like crazy out there. even mckenzie's little boy had it - yuck! so glad noah appears to have escaped! hopefully everyone will be feeling better and sleeping better soon! miss you! xoxo

And We Sailed On said...

Oh boy do I understand! So sorry to hear you have been down and out, it is so hard! I hope you all gain your strength back very soon!

Heidi said...

I am so sorry!! My middle one had RSV last year when she was 13 months old. It was awful! She was so limp and lifeless. I am glad things are looking up!

Lisa said...

Its good to hear your boys have turned the corner and are getting better. Now the goal is that you and Ryan don't get sick.