Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Weekend Fun

We took a quick trip this weekend to Utah to see Grandma Rhonda, Grandma & Grandpa Benson and Callie. It was a last minute decision but a lot of fun to see everyone. While we were down we went to lunch at the new Harley-Davidson dealership. The food was good, the bikes were cool and the company was great.

We did a lot of shopping (Luke made out like a bandit) and visiting. It is always so good to see family. We took Grandma Rhonda to the airport early Saturday morning and headed home to catch the BYU football game.

When we got home the weather was so nice I got some bulbs planted and am totally excited for next spring to see them. I have decided that spring flowers are one of the best sights in spring. They make the winter melt away and also remind me of my mission where they planted tulips, daffodils, and crocuses in the park lawns. I didn't go quite that far but man was I tempted! I will post pictures in the spring. At half time Ryan decided to get a jump on the whole Christmas lights thing.

We recruited Levi to help us... actually he was the one here when we started. Last year Pete was the lucky one to risk his neck with Ryan trying to get all the lights straight and this year it was Levi. We give our volunteers the easy jobs! (Emily, I made sure he was safe!)

As you can see Luke and I stayed busy supervising the hard work, documenting everything, and making sure the lights were straight. Toughest jobs of all!

All in all it was a great weekend until Luke and Ryan came down with a cold they got from Callie's kids... thanks a lot Callie! We hope they both get better soon!


lramey said...

Hey Linney!!! Darla told me your blog, so i came a'stalkin! Your little Lukey is DARLING!!! what a beautiful boy!!!!!!!

looks like you're doing great, and happy, and i'm so glad after the hard year you've had to endure- i'm so sorry!!!!

love that you put a picture on here of the family---wowsers!!! they're all soooo big!!!!!! it's so crazy how time flies!

well, i'm glad that we can keep in touch on here. i HEART blogging!!!

Callie said...

I heard I was the cause of this "so called sickness" but I am not totally to blame! you were outside all day in the cold putting up christmas lights!! you have to share the sickness with the weather! plus my kids never REALLY got sick, they only pretended while you were in town. worst they got were runny noses and the runs for a day.
Also, Jessie got a blog, its on my site. i told her you would just copy it from there
See you in a few weeks!

Sandi said...

You were here and no phone call? JK
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!