Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The girl that gave me Cooties

Today is another one of those days that I really appreciate Annalyn. On top of taking care of Luke, teaching CPR/First Aid, and dealing with me, she still comes down on Wednesdays and helps me at work. It might not sound like much but it is harder than it sounds. So...

Reasons why Annalyn is the best.

10. When she told a story about someone leaving their child alone while out getting cigarettes she said " The lady left to get some smokes." Like it was something she does all the time. She is so down with smoking she uses the term "Getting some smokes." I find this very funny.

9. Sometimes she lets me pick her out clothes. Doesn't really question my taste. Next shopping trip I plan on getting her a tube top and a mini-skirt, or this outfit...

8. She gave me this, drooling problem and all.

7. Can't forget these...

6. In her last post she posted a picture of me on my "hog". She pretends to give me a hard time, but she has been awesome about letting me ride this guilt free.

5. She got up in the middle of the night last night and let Biscuit out at 3:00 am

4. She lets me laugh at my favorite movie, even though it is her least favorite movie.

3. She loves to learn, and is good at it. Really she is the smartest girl I know. She improved our gene pool quite a bit.

2. She worries about her friends and what they are going through. Adam and Lisa, we were both thinking about you these last few months. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Their baby Gabe was born, and passed away this month.

1. She tells me she loves me at least once a day. I need reminding, and she married me before I had to resort to this...

Annalyn, Thanks for being my wife. I love you and I want everyone to know it. Besides, my girlfriend Lupe only reads Spanish blogs, so we're cool.


Sara said...

That was so sweet! Maybe Corey will give in to peer pressure and actually write a post on our blog someday!

Callie said...

hah so cheesy, but annalyn is lucky and you are right about a lot of those things! she definetly improved your gene pool! dont lie, you DID read that "dating for dummies book", and lupe can read english better than she can speak it.. HI LUPE by the way annalyn you are great!

Taren said...

That is so funny.You guys sound perfect for eachother. I always had such a good time on the mission with Annalyn. I'm glad she found a guy who loves her and makes her laugh.

Danielle said...

very sweet.

Anonymous said...

Ryan, you are still so adorable.

Sandi said...

That's the same outfit Jedd picked out for me!! LOL

Elizabeth said...

Oh, this cracked me up!

Your sense of humor is killing me, Ryan. :)

You're a lucky gal, Annalyn.

Lisa said...

Annalyn is the best! I have thought about you guys a lot these past few months. We have been bonded and blessed with experience that change us for forever.