Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

On Monday as I was eating my lunch after the boys were down for a nap I was contemplating whether to have water to drink or make myself a new pitcher of Crystal Light. I decided that we all need a guilty pleasure or two. Something that we should probably do without and would "technically" be better without yet we continue on with the habit/behavior. I think they help us stay sane. Here are a few of my latest...

1: Crystal Light (pineapple orange, cherry pomgranate is also pretty good )- I could drink gallons of it, I honestly have to pace myself
2: An extra 5 minutes in a hot shower - This is also because Ryan convinced me to splurge on a nice big shower head... totally worth the money
3: Cookies - Noah doesn't digest lactose well, so I have to stay away from any dairy. Oatmeal cookies have become my new comfort food. I pretty much always have some type of cookie dough in the fridge.
4: Gray's Anatomy - I am not a big day-time TV watcher but I do enjoy a good hour of hot hospital drama once a week.

So here's to those little things that help us take a little time out and treat ourselves.


And We Sailed On said...

I am SO with you on the crystal light! I LOVE IT!!!
I love your list!

Elizabeth said...

Hey lady! I was just scrolling down and saw that you're pregnant again! CONGRATS!! And I love the family picture you posted around Christmas time with you guys and the dog. You guys look happy.

Thrilled for your news.

Lisa said...

The sacrifices you make as a mother. Im impressed you are so disaplined, im not sure I could do that

Sandi said...

My youngest has lactose issues as well. I started her on powdered probiotics with acidopholis in her soy milk or juice and it has done wonders for her. No more tummy aches, yelling, crying, not sleeping, etc... You know the deal... I haven't switched her to regular milk or given her large amounts of dairy in one sitting yet, but she can have chocolate, cheese, etc without any problems. Hope it helps.