Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Firsts

Seeing as this is Luke's first year of life, there are a lot of "Firsts". Here is a little pictoral review of the latest firsts:

Have I mentioned how much Ryan loves his motorcycle? Almost as much as he loves Luke. It is his happy place. I always know when he leaves for a ride that he will come back to me refreshed, happy, and relaxed. He also loves to share the joy with me. We often call Heidi over to babysit and take some time to ride the back roads of Lyman (ok, so all the roads out here could be considered "back"). Well sharing the joy of riding with just me was no longer enough. Ryan wanted to initiate Luke to the club. How can you say no to this?

We bundled him up and strapped him on for his first ride with Dad. I had serious misgivings but Ryan assured me he would stay right around the house. So Luke got his first, of what will surely be many, ride on the motorcycle with Dad.

The ride didn't last long... it was too stressful for me so I put a quick stop to the fun but Luke seemed to like it, almost as much as Ryan.

While shopping for Luke a month or so ago we ran across little halloween costumes. We bought the costume then and have been anxiously waiting for the big day to unveil our...

After visiting with friends, I am grateful that dressing up a baby is so easy and fun. They look cute dressed up as anything, not to mention they don't mind being dressed in a one piece costume all day.

We had a fun weekend. Callie and company came up to visit us and spend Halloween together. We had a couple of parties at the facilities that we needed to make an appearance at. Our residents loved seeing all the kids decked out in their costumes. After making the rounds at one party and charming all the ladies, Luke was out for the next one, Carter however was soaking it all up!

After those parties we had a Trunk-or-Treat at the church house. I am in the Primary Presidency and was in charge of the activity. It turned out good, especially for our first time. Luke slept through half of that activity too. When we got home he was awake and ready to party!

Saturday we all went for some ice cream. I have been trying to wait until 6 mo. to feed Luke solids because that is what my pediatrician recommended. But lately he is very interested in eating and is wanting to join in. While I was eating my ice cream he decided that it was time for him to get some. I gave in, to keep him quiet. It all started with a couple of small tastes which quickly accelerated to this:

Let's just say he is a quick learner! (We didn't really let him eat the rest of the cone.) I bought a high chair online today so that we can back up and start with some rice cereal. Hopefully his tastes aren't ruined already.

Last, but definitely not least, is Luke's first white shirt and tie outfit. Ryan was shopping for the facilities and ran across this little outfit. Being the doting father he is, there is no way he could pass it up. I couldn't pass up the chance to get a pictures of my two boys all polished up for church yesterday.

Don't they look good? I am so lucky to have them in my life. They take care of me and are the light of my life. Won't it be fun to take a picture like this throughout the years.


Callie said...

lookin good. I love the suit for Luke, we will both have to post next sunday with carter and Luke in matching duds!

Sandi said...

He is the cutest little monster!! My girls both started on ice cream too... What better thing to tingle the tastebuds!!

courtney said...

luke is so stinking cute! i wish i could kiss his cheeks.

Callie said...

Ryan- we may had "reduced your memories to fast food places" but at least we havent erasesd you completely (tear tear)
Annalyn- I called you earlier, do you have any good crockpot receipes? i am thinking i want some easy meals and crockpot may be the key

Lisa said...

You and Ryan are having too much fun dressing up the boy.
You are such a cute family, Take joy in the journey.

Callie said...

i think your map is off, it says 0 views, but I have been here at least 3 times today.. by the way, my next goal is to work on my spelling

Callie said...

lets see how many random comments I can make

Callie said...

ok i'm done

Taren said...

Your little monster is sooo cute. Enjoy your little guy staying in and enjoying his costume. My youngest wouldn't keep his on. I had to bribe him with candy. And by the way, my husband took our son for a motorcycle ride as well. Your husband isn't the only one.

Layne & Kellie said...

Love, love the costume! Isn't it so fun to dress them up. Owen was really excited this year. Very fun for us. Sadly I didn't dress Mabel up. I should have but didn't.

I think it is cute Ryan wanted to give Luke a ride. Layne is like that with Owen. Maybe it is a daddy/son thing?? But I am with you... I tend to worry and let it go for only a little bit ;) We have to be around to keep our kids safe, right? :)

Luke seems geared up for food to. How fun!!

We'll give you a call in the next couple of days. We really want to go to the temple with you guys.

Have fun!

lishalou said...

what a great family you have Annalou! You are a very blessed woman with a very happy life. I love you! Lisha

Callie said...

enough with the fall first, post already!!! :)

A said...

Sounds like you had a great Halloween