Friday, September 5, 2008

R. U. M. P. S.

So we were watching "How It's Made" the other night. It was showing us how they make crayons. They started talking about developing new colors and how some colors had to be retired. A box of crayons is not the same as it once was.I was shocked and upset to find out that the ever handy raw umber and maize colors were retired! Maybe I have just been out of touch with the coloring world for too long but I had no idea. Had I known I would have joined R.U.M.P.S. aka The Raw Umber & Maize Preservation Society. They protested the retirement of these colors in person at the crayola factory! Apparently Crayola learned their lesson and now let the people decide which color gets the boot. (Not to worry it looks like Burnt Sienna was spared the boot!)
Luke's Reaction to the loss of Raw Umber

Crayola is not the only who is changing over the years. This past weekend I got to meet up with Courtney and we reminisced about the good ole days of freshman orientation and badly taped ankles. Now it is easy to see what our topics of conversation are...

It was so fun to see her, Sam and Troy. We keep trying to convince them (and everyone else we like) that Idaho is the place to be. During our trip to Utah, Luke tried the Idaho sales pitch out on Carter. Unfortunately Carter wasn't convinced anymore than the Buers were.

We'll just let this picture of Ryan's latest motorcycle ride do the talking.
Could life get any better than this?

I will end with my latest pictures of the Luke. He is growing and changing so much. He slept a record 11 hours the other night. It was heaven. He is starting to figure his hands out and is starting to grab at things. We have gotten a couple of giggles out of him. We are working to get more giggles and less drool. Unfortunately when I got out the camera he wouldn't smile but as soon as I put it away he would grin ear to ear. I guess Ryan has the touch to get a smiling picture of the little guy.

P.S. Here is Ryan's latest favorite commercial:


lishalou said...

You're so funny Annalou! I love the Crayon post! Your dude is a adorable! How is Courtney! You both are as beautiful as ever! My hubby is jealous of Ryan's motorcycle. He drive a 49cc scooter that all the seminary students make fun of cuz he can't go over 30. HA! I love it that way, keeps him safer and taking back roads. HA! Love ya!

Sandi said...

How could I have missed this?? LOL Luke is so cute! He's growing up - starting to look like a little man!

Callie said...

that is so funny, i was looking at the pictures and thinking... that kid looks a lot like carter... oh wait it was carter! haha, just made me laugh. I think Luke will have to work on his idaho sales pitch!!! I had NO idea crayola retired colors.. i wonder if Red and green will ever go? Luke looks way bigger than even a few days ago! Ryan informed me of his marathon sleep night! way to go! We got carter laughing some real laughs too. its sad and fun how big they get so fast!

Danielle said...

you don't have to convince me, idaho is the place to be, ha ha.

Taren said...

You look so beautiful. That baby of yours is cuter than ever.

My husband had a motorcycle but sold it this spring. He works close enough to home that he can ride his bike. Sad for him. What is up with guys and motorcycles?